Book now to have your dog ready for the holiday rush.

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Basic Obedience

You are welcome to bring your dog’s crate or we can provide one for you. We also ask that you provide one bag of food and we will replace it with the same product if needed. By keeping their diet consistent we will minimize upset stomachs. We will provide bowls, toys, leashes, treats and blankets during training.

Unfortunately due to the short amount of time we have for training we do not allow visits while going through the training program. We will provide a weekly update via email with your dog’s progress. You should also feel free to call and ask any questions that you have during the program.

Doggie Manners include but are not limited to: nipping, biting, jumping up on people, jumping on furniture, running out open doors, greeting people properly, socializing with other dogs, socializing with children, barking, whining, chewing, and other destructive behaviors.

All evaluations are free of charge.


The beautiful thing about dogs is that once you are “pack” you are “pack” for life! Your puppy will not forget you and will quickly recognize you upon your return. This will be obvious to you on graduation day when you witness your puppy’s excited greeting when you arrive.

Potty Training requires reasonable expectations. No – your dog will not be able to have complete freedom in your home immediately upon his/her return. Housebreaking is based on consistency.

We will establish a good routine for your dog based on your family’s schedule. Your puppy will have the knowledge necessary to be successfully house trained (with a little practice) upon their return. Freedom must be earned not given. We will teach you easy-to-follow guidelines in order to ensure your puppy’s house training success.

Advanced Training

No, E-Collars, if used properly are amazing training tools. Used improperly as punishment they can quickly destroy a dog’s confidence and trust in the handler.

We do not promote using anything to cause fear or injury to a dog. E-Collars should only be used with proper training and understanding.

We recommend and use E-Collar Technologies Micro Educator, Mini Educator, or Educator. We are happy to help you with this purchase. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Behavioral Modification

Your Behavior Modification Program includes 4 in-home lessons after the boarding and training portion is completed. Dogs with these severe issues can be unpredictable while going through their training programs therefore we feel it is best to begin the training with a boarding and training program so that the training is done in a controlled setting. You will be involved in your dog’s training at the appropriate time.

Puppy Recruiting

No – it is not required. We would love the opportunity to continue working with your family in a training capacity but it is not a requirement of this program. If you choose to, your puppy or dog can come directly from its previous location and go directly into training to avoid developing bad habits and manners. Or if you prefer, your new addition can come home and get acclimated and then return for training at a later date. However, you are not required to utilize any of our training programs if you choose not to.

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